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Other Stuff

A few years have gone by.
Busy ones. Very busy ones.rahsmijakob wedding 1 med
Great victories were won, and defeats got handed out.

Left efsta, learned a few things.
A lot about trust, and when it's misplaced. O.P. Smith's story is a very teaching one.
I can highly recommend Tom Rick's speech about him, available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rf-KpVgus8
Also: Sociopaths will try to plant daggers in your back, even if it's against their direct interest. There is a lesson there.

There are other things though, that restored the belief in trust (compare: right side).
Yes. Married.
Made whole.
Who would have thought.
Everything is so much better now.

Success is a team sport after all.

Where to now?
Everywhere, but not in that order.
But there are plans.
Some involve 3d modeling and airships.

Others are bookish and pennish (yes, that's a word now).
Be curious.

Extremely excited about what comes next.
And looking forward to exploring those untrodden paths with you guys.

Btw. I've deactivated Linkedin and Xing for now - if you want to contact me, kindly drop me an email or call.
Be your best, and enjoy your life.
Sun shines. Rain falls. Things grow.
So do we.
