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Reading and listening: Where to practice

Most of these sources are publicly available on the internet, so an internet connection is a good idea to have. Kindly, be careful with mobiles though, since datasizes of videos can be sizeable, as the name suggests.

English is, as most things are, a thing of practice, easy to do if you are achieving anything interesting by it. So find things that are interesting and read, listen to and write them in English. You’ll see that it’ll improve at an astonishing rate.

Reading and listening: Where to practice

Most of these sources are publicly available on the internet, so an internet connection is a good idea to have. Kindly, be careful with mobiles though, since datasizes of videos can be sizeable, as the name suggests.

English is, as most things are, a thing of practice, easy to do if you are achieving anything interesting by it. So find things that are interesting and read, listen to and write them in English. You’ll see that it’ll improve at an astonishing rate.

This list is by no means finished. If you know of a good source, please drop me a note.

Sources for reading

Newspapers and Magazines:

www.wired.com        Wired Magazine

www.guardian.co.uk  Guardian, British newspaper (source of many texts used in lessons [and tests])

www.iht.com             International Herald Tribune – Thats the international copy of the New York Times (which, in turn, is one of the best papers in the world)

www.bbc.co.uk          BBC Online

Sources for listening

www.bbc.co.uk/radioBBC Radio – All channels

http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldserviceradio      BBC Worldservice

www.youtube.com     Youtube has got a host of audiobooks, often read by very proficient and professional voiceactors. Just search for „audiobook“ (Hörbuch in German)